Our Team
package and a fully functional system at the best possible cost.
Director (Project Director)
Mr. K’Ouma is a Water Engineering graduate from Orange Free State University, South Africa. He has over 10 years working experience in all aspects of project identification, formulation, monitoring, evaluation and management; surface and groundwater assessment including sizing of weirs, river gauging, dam and borehole sitting, preparation of cost estimates for drilling, preparation of drilling programmes. Borehole design, supervision of borehole construction and development, preparation of test pumping (aquifer and step-drawdown) programmes, installation of water resources monitoring networks, development of water resources management models; water quality management etc.
Mr. K’Ouma, who joined Wotatech Services in 2002 as a Managing Director, has worked in a large number of projects in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. He had worked with other three reputable drilling companies/contractors in Kenya namely; Vortex Drilling later joined up with Mowlem E.A. Ltd, and Sparr Drilling Co. Ltd and Hydro Water Well (K) Ltd. He was responsible for the set- up, organization, and implementation of the two latter companies.